My 2022: In Review

Jennifer Lucas
4 min readDec 31, 2022



It snowed??! We lost power and froze; the dogs had the best day ever
Took my videography to new heights- literally
Mom played with her grandkids, while trying (and failing) to patiently wait for non furry grandbabies.
Went to Ireland with Grace and healed my soul
“Heartbreak feels good in a place like this”
Turned 29 and cut all my hair off, but definitely not in a end-of-my-20s-crisis way
Watched so many people we love very dearly commit their lives to each other (Liz and Andy, Kelliann and Pat, Marg and Jake, Matt and Sneha)
Started new midweek traditions to stop living for the weekend
Celebrated 5 years married to my lobster
Watched mom turn 60 years young

Values and Resolutions:

2022 taught me the value of the mundane. Not the drab and dull, but the small wonders of the things I do and experience every day: Tyler bringing me coffee in the morning, taking the dogs to the park, reading a good book in the tub, dinner with our parents, etc. I always thought having a routine would be stifling, but it’s actually pure bliss. Life is still moving 1000 miles per hour and these mundane moments are like a lifeline to my sanity. I’m sure I sound like an old lady, but hey, this must be how nature lets you know your 20’s are over.

In true 29 year old fashion, I find myself thinking about the children dilemma more and more. And yes, it is a dilemma. I don’t want to be 50 and childless but I also don’t want to a mom at 30. Kids sound really hard. I’m terrified that having them will ruin my marriage and I’m terrified that not having them will make life incomplete. Life with Tyler is so sweet and fulfilling that it’s hard to imagine kids will make it better.

Speaking of Tyler…he has been my fortress this year. I know you’re rolling your eyes because I tell you he’s my rock every year, but it’s true! His unwavering belief in me to accomplish whatever I put my mind to is unlike anything I’ve ever know. It’s been 9 years since we started dating and each year gets better than the last. He is patient through my faults and highlights my triumphs. He is all the best parts of humanity and someone I strive to be worthy of.

When I was reflecting on last years post/goals, I realized how specific and self-focused they were. And when I think about how I was able to accomplish them, I can’t help but recognize how many people showed up for me this year. Sending me books, keeping up with my (not always stellar) TikTok posts, listening to me vent about work, etc. So in 2023 I would like to look outward and show up for the people who have always showed up for me. These goals may feel lofty and unquantifiable, but I think that’s okay. Even if I’m only a 5% better friend to people, that’s a year well spent.

Read our Christmas Card for more updates on our lives

2022 Goal Check

Please see my full 2021 In Review post for a full breakdown of these goals

✓Read 100 books. I lost a lot of sleep, but I did it. In case you’re wondering, that’s about 1 book every 4 days. I will not be pushing to see if I can do more next year because I’d like to remain relevant in my friends lives.

✓Get 100k followers & make money from a brand partnership. I started 2022 with 70,000 followers and ended with 179,000. Not sure if you can hear my squeal through the screen, but I can’t believe how far I exceed my goal. I made $3000 dabbling in brand partnerships but honestly, I’m more excited about the followers.

✓Get Promoted to L6. Now what?

Learn Sign Language. I wish I had a better excuse, there was just no time.

Find more ways to show Tyler how much he means to me, both big and small. This year I had a lot of self-focused goals. Tyler showed up for me and cheered me on every day and I want to be better in 2023 to do the same for him.

✓Be more honest with people, but not unkind. I’m actually going to check this one off. Though I’m only starting to get comfortable with this, I think I’ve had more difficult conversations this year than ever before. I learned how to say no and protect my own mental sanity over those around me.

2023 Goals

  • Seek Joy. I would say I’m a pretty happy person, but I am also someone who gets stressed over things out of my control. Choosing to focus on the negative hasn’t gotten me anywhere, so it’s time to start choosing joy.
  • Show up for the people in my life. I hope you all feel I already do this in some capacity, but I’d like to do it more intentionally. Please, let me know how I can show up for you in 2023!
  • Take a solo trip. By solo I really mean without Tyler. I think it’s so important to retain your individualism in marriage and this is an easy (and fun) way to do that. Plus who doesn’t want an excuse for a girls trip?
  • Workout and cook 4x a week. My only quantifiable goal. I want to turn 30 as the healthiest version of me.
  • Be kinder to my changing body. Anyone over 25 knows that it sucks watching yourself age. And social media makes it feel like you should look 19 at 29. Getting older is a gift and I want to let it empower me, not cripple me.
  • Find more ways to show Tyler how much he means to me, both big and small. Tyler is the best and sometimes I honestly feel sad that other people will never receive Tyler’s love as a spouse (back off he’s all mine).

There is no way I’m actually going to be able to checkmark half of these, but hey, dream big right? May your 2023 be your best year yet.


