My 2019: in Review

Jennifer Lucas
5 min readDec 30, 2019



Went to my first Kpop concert *internally squeals*!!!
Helped Ryan and Rachel get ENGAGED ❤ Spoiler: it was perfect
Lost some Seattle friends to the East Coast (RIP: Allison, Pat, Ryan, Rachel, Sam)
Went back to the most magical mountain in the whole world: Red Mt, BC
Went to Barcelona- full video for full effect
Threw myself a silent disco 26th birthday party. Low quality footage of a high quality night
Went back to my favorite place, Korea, with some favorite people (minus Tyler)
Learned to Trapeze. For real, that’s me!!!!
Celebrated 2 years married to this hunky doggie daddy (is it ever okay to use the word daddy when you’re over 12? Asking for a friend)

Values and Resolutions:

2019 was my “career year”. Which probably sounds funny to anyone who knows me- I’m not the most career oriented person in the world. Without meaning to, I set out and accomplished all my career goals/ambitions. I started a small business, switched to a team I actually like at Amazon, celebrated my 4 year amaversary (and vested all my stock), and got promoted! I learned a lot about how to take ownership of what I want and how to be an advocate for myself. I met an *incredible* group of women who make my 9–5 not just bearable, but enjoyable. I (finally) have a manager who doesn’t look at me like a rung on their ladder to the top. I made my own website and filmed 2 weddings, 4 engagements, and 1 proposal. I even booked my first out of state wedding in Alaska(!!!) for next year. It was a perfect career year and has led me to the question, “what next?”

What do I want to focus on? What will add value to my life? How can I be the best version of myself? What makes me happy? What doesn’t? How can I be more intentional with the people and things in my life?

I’ve never been one to write down goals. In fact, the only reason I did it at all is because my husband is one of the most goal motivated people I know. So I decided I would start small in 2019. Three goals. Honestly they were all a bit ridiculous (and not something I should share with the internet.) I would say I hit an 80% success rate with a 20% margin for improvement to be carried into next year.

However, I’m laying it all out for 2020; I want to be accountable. (And also it’s fun to look back on Tyler’s 2018 year in review so I’m following suit.)

P.s. for all non-goal oriented updates please see our 2019 Christmas letter found here


  • Do at least one thing that scares me. Things I’m afraid of: Anacondas, flying, a murder behind my closed shower curtain, caterpillars and butterflies, the unknown/unplanned, honestly now that I’m writing this I feel like this is a bad first goal…
  • Complete 15 barre classes a month, every month this year. I joined PureBarre in April this year and completed 52 classes in 8 months. Let’s see if we can triple it and then some.
  • Help Koda get over his anxiety. I just want to help him make more dog friends.
  • Teach Eevee to stop jumping on people. Since I’m becoming Cesar Millan to one dog I might as well try it on the other.
  • Spend less money. I can hear my husband and parents jumping for joy on this one. We moved to a cheaper apartment, joined Costco, and now I’m commiting to less shopping sprees. *I don’t need that dress, I don’t need that dress, I don’t need that dress.*
  • Stop getting upset about the socks on the floor. Perhaps slightly literal, but mostly in the non-literal sense. I heard a story once of a woman who’s husband died unexpectedly. She said he used to always leave his socks on the floor next to the hamper instead of just taking the extra minute to put them in the bin. It would drive her insane having to pick them up every day. But by the end of the story, she said her old frustration would be one of her greatest joys now. I want the dirty dishes, tufts of fur, and socks on the floor to be sparks of joy for me in 2020. A reminder of how blessed I am and all I have.
  • Find more ways to show Tyler how much he means to me, both big and small. My husband is the best. Period.
  • Learn how to say no to things I don’t want to do. This one is probably going to always be on my list. I love to overcommit and will probably combust into flames before I tell you I can’t come to xyz.
  • Film 10 weddings. 2 booked, 8 to go.
  • Call my Oma’s more. I don’t know why I have such a hard time with phone calls. I think about them all the time and just need to pick up the phone to tell them more.
  • Cook at home 5/7 nights of the week. See goal #5.
  • Be more intentional about time with friends. 4 years ago the only friend I had in Seattle was Tyler, so it feels a bit wrong to claim this as a “problem”, but we have SO MANY amazing friends that it can be hard to navigate being present in everyones life. I don’t want to have 30 half-assed friends. I want to be someone my friends can count on to show up for them.
  • Say the internal compliments in my head out loud. I’m not sure if Seattle has finally gotten to me, or if I’m just afraid of someone telling me I’m a freak, but I have lots of internal compliments for strangers that I should just man up and say out loud. Who doesn’t like hearing that someone likes their dress or hair or shoes??

Well Tyler was right, that was cathartic.

May your 2020 bring a world of happiness and less perfect vision puns.


