Christmas Card 2023

Jennifer Lucas
3 min readDec 22, 2023


2023 was a rollercoaster of a year, filled with high highs and low lows. We traveled a ton, accomplished some goals, and spent lots of time with family. We experienced setbacks in our careers that challenged us in unexpected ways. Through it all, we’re filled with gratitude for the things that remain constant in our lives: our health, a warm roof over our heads, and the boundless love from friends and family across the globe. We’ve found a new appreciation for the incredibly charmed life we’ve lived so far.

We started our year off with a bang: completing the back half of our biggest ski season yet. We visited Palisades, Red Mountain, Snowshoe, and Zermatt! We had many magical days making memories in the mountains. In the summer, we visited Portugal for the first time with Jen’s parents. The beaches of Portugal quickly became one of our favorite destinations. We are endlessly thankful for the chance to visit a variety of countries and cultures at a (relatively) young age. We’re packing in as much as possible before the stork comes knocking at our door (in 2–3 years).

At the end of April, Jen received news that her role had been eliminated after 8 years of working at Amazon. Though it was completely unexpected, we are choosing to believe that all things work out for the best. In July, Jen was offered a part-time contract position in social media and has enjoyed trying something different. Speaking of social media… Jen’s content creator career is taking off! She hit several milestones this year: 450 followers on YouTube (a very new channel), 100,000 followers on Instagram, 250,000 on TikTok! We’re crossing our fingers that this turns into a full-time career. Jen loves it and is totally crushing it. Stay tuned.

Tyler celebrated 5 years at Convoy, then ultimately decided he was ready for something new. A month after Tyler left, Convoy shut its doors (farewell dreams of a successful IPO). This was quite the shock, but he’s super grateful for all the people he met and skills he learned along the way. In September, Tyler joined Range, a Series A start-up in wealth management. He’s loving the work so far. This year, Tyler also started coaching soccer for 6 and 7 year olds. Tyler learned how crazy kids can be and Jen learned how much she loves seeing Tyler with kids. One of Tyler’s goals this year was to get into grilling. Jen, ever supportive, gifted him a smoker for his 30th birthday in March. So far he’s smoked: wings, pork belly, salmon, pizza, and most importantly of all… the Thanksgiving turkey!

Koda and Eevee continue to enjoy their cushy, freeloader lives. We are starting to recognize that they aren’t spring chickens anymore. It’s been hard to come to terms with it as they enter their sunset years. They’re our best companions and it’s been such a joy having them. Thank you to all the friends that love and care for them too. Human kids are an ever present consideration but we’re still not quite ready to make that jump. When the time comes, we’ll embrace parenthood completely. For now, we enjoy our independence and our sleep-filled nights.

I hope that 2024 will be filled with only good things for you and yours.

Jen, Tyler, Koda, and Eevee

