Christmas Card 2021

Jennifer Lucas
3 min readJan 3, 2022


Merry Christmas friends & family!

2021 taught us to let go of the notion of “back to normal” and instead accept the new normal of post-pandemic life. Like many of you, we spent 99% of our time at home and completely forgot how to operate in social settings.

That said, we’ve absolutely loved our time at home. September 2021 marked the end of our first year in our first house together. Unsurprisingly, a lot of year one was spent completing various house projects. Jen’s accomplishments include: a ten foot tall library bookshelf (complete with a rolling ladder), a board and batten dining room, a wood accent wall in our guest room, a freshly stained deck, and wallpaper across just about every blank space in this house. Tyler dabbled in low-voltage electrical to build a wired mesh wifi network, installed PVC floors in the garage, chainsawed some trees to make way for our new fence, and mostly just cheered Jen on while she mastered power tools. Eevee and Koda put in lots of hours to ensure their fur fell in every nook and cranny of the place. Eevee & Jen acquired millions of views on TikTok; fingers-crossed they one day recoup the cost of Eevee’s millions of dollars in vet bills.

Work has been a roller coaster of highs and lows but we’re thankful for the stability and flexibility of our jobs.

Tyler is three years in at Convoy and still excited about the mission and opportunity. They just hired their first employee for the Atlanta engineering team. Small team, big dreams! Jen is chugging along at Amazon, going on year 7 and constantly contemplating her purpose in life. Some days she feels like she’s got this career thing down… and other days feels like a chicken with her head cut off. Can anyone confirm if feeling like I’m-totally-faking-it-and-i-hope-no-one-notices ever goes away?

The dogs are finding a new appreciation for life and the magical place known as the “fenced in backyard”. They continue to fill our hearts with joy and drain our wallets of money but we wouldn’t trade them for the world. We contemplate adding another bambino to the mix… one with much less fur. There’s a tension felt between wanting a kiddo and continuing to celebrate the incredible sense of freedom we have today. So for now, our numbers remain constant.

The return to Atlanta was a force-multiplier for our collective love-tank. Family dinners, movie nights, dog walks, and tennis matches without $800 flights or Olympian-level logistics! Wrapping up our Seattle plans a little sooner than expected made these moments possible. That said, we deeply miss our Seattle friends and hope for many ski or beach trip reunions to come.

As we approach the end of the year, we hope you can slow down and enjoy these last moments of 2021 with the people you love most. There is always a guest room with your name on it at the Lucas household. We’re so fortunate to have people like you in our lives. You encourage us and make our world a brighter place.

Here’s to finding the best you in 2022 ❤

Tyler, Jen, Koda, & Eevee

